Wednesday, May 8, 2013


We are urgently writing to urge you to see to the necessary prompt action, by the Church, for rehabilitation and restoration of the university to the acceptable standard, in order to save it from imminent closure by Tanzania commission for universities(TCU) and other relevant authorities, basing on the findings hereunder by our investigators who are currently on the ground.
We must face the truth that so far the St. John’s University of Tanzania does not qualify to be called a university, because apart from all the shocking mess the university is mostly staffed b unqualified bread hunters.
The university does not have a single teaching professor, as the Vice chancellor himself is a misallocated medical teacher, occupying the place of seasoned educationist professors who would have propelled Saint John’s university of Tanzania to the peak of academic excellence and intellectual prestige, replica of the light to the world by fellow Anglican universities which brought that historical mission to Central Africa. This administrative with acute deficiency in charisma and moral integrity.
The St.John’s university of Tanzania has a roll of about 6000 students altogether, but for all of who it has only one associate professor, with most of the rest of the teachers being unqualified to teach in a university at all! For example the faculty of Commerce and Business studies is wont to using students who pursue Masters Degrees as senior lecturers, capacities which they are incapable of and which consequently breed the disharmony between the teachers and the students. Notable examples are;
a. Student Wilfred Kavishe who is per suing a Master’s degree course is teaching Financial Report as a Senior lecture
b. Student Misu Chibona is wrongfully relied upon as Senior Lecturer in Business Mathematics!
c. Student Herman Dobogo who is per suing a Master’s degree course which he has failed was a Senior Lecturer in Marketing!
d. Allen Mtetemela is a notorious tutorial assistant, but who has for four (4) years now wrongfully been a Senior Lecturer in Business Law!
e. Student Chrispin Ryakitimbo has also been offered to masquerade as Senior Lecturer in Accounting!
f. Student Anthony Magoma was per suing a Master’s degree course which he failed, but was offered to teach Mathematics and Masquerade as a Senior Lecturer!
These are just few of the examples and are from only one faculty, Commerce and Business studies which practically has only one Senior Lecturer and only Five assistant lecturers, the best being either teaching or tutorial assistants, who the university has been using them as Senior lecturers. Because the senior Lecturers and assistant Lecturers are the same executives enjoying administrative designations which make it difficult for them to teach, so they leave the teaching for the Master’s students, who frankly speaking lack the capabilities and resort to threats to cow down the students and sexual coercion to female students.
If a qualified university is an intellectual cornerstone for construction of the moral foundation of a nation or society, a hotbed of revolution in all aspects of development for a happier living for our children and posterity, where highly qualified teachers with commitment, dedication and sacrifice impart their spiritual calling, talents, patriotism and moral integrity to the students, then Saint John’s University of Tanzania must not be mistaken for one. The university is run by corruption, the key players being the teachers to who pass mark for female students has to be purchased by sexual slavery.
A few examples of the immoral teachers who inflict suffering upon female students until they succumb to sexual slavery, or threaten female students with ‘failure’ in examinations unless the students offer sexual bribery, or promise female students free pass marks by sexual conditionality to the extent of chaining some of the concubinage are :
1. Allen Mtetemela, a notorious tutorial assistant who Masquerades as senior Lecturer, holding his father who is semi illiterate Chancellor of the Saint John’s university of Tanzania as a blank cheque to do all immoralities of his pleasure with impunity, bragging that he is above the law being the son of the proprietor of the University, has chained in Concubinage a poor BBA first year female student named Alice Mmari.
2. By the examinational sexual corruption a teacher going by the name of Fadhili Bwagalilo has captivated a poor third year BBA female student named Grace urassa into concubinage.
3. One Doctor John Ham who was Deputy Vice Chancellor Finance and Administration had under the same circumstances of gross immortality subdued a nursing degree student to concubinage, although they eventually had to marry.
4. Under the circumstances of chronic examinational sexual corruption a teacher namely Anthony Magoma has subdued to concubinage a second year student named Gema Burreta.
5. In January 2013 an officer of the University’s Admissions office, one Mr.Ronka Sang’e was found by the hostel leader in the female students’ hostel at 01:00 after midnight,intoxicated. When he was questioned why he was in there, the culprit beat up the hostel leader Ms Ruzuna Abdulrahim. The barbarity was reported to the dean of students Mr. Msowalile C. Mnawonga that very night, but to date no step has been taken by the university against the culprit, a situation which makes the students believe that these immoralities have blessings of the leadership of the St. John’s University of Tanzania!
6. In December 2012 a laboratory Technicians teacher named Jackson Katonge gave a Test to sexually trap the students for fornication. To more than 90% of the students the culprit deliberately gave only 2 out of 20 marks, after which he started calling female students persuading them for sexual bribery for pass marks.

One evening, he targeted a female student named Jenifer Mramba, who cleverly tipped her 3 friends and the president of the St. John’s university of Tanzania, who are the potential witnesses to who she reported everything which the culprit was doing to her, while driving her to the unknown. All the steps of the rape are on record until he started feeling her shins, until the communication died from the success of the criminal’s barbarity.
The president of the SJUT students Government reported the rapist teacher to the dean of students Msowalile C. Mnyaonga , who ganged up with the University leadership to protect the rapist, out of the moral decay of the St John’s university of Tanzania leadership. The victim of the teacher’s barbarity was eventually discontinued; along with her witnesses for what they thought was eradication of evidence. Moves are afoot to discontinue the president of the students Government for his war against the university leadership’s resignation from humanity.
7. By precisely the same barbarity, the notorious assistant Allen Mtetemela used the St John’s University of Tanzania examinational corruption to hit a female student named Angel with a “failure” and threatened her with discontinuation. At the peak of the student’s desperation the criminal summoned her to the place he had arranged for promised examinational favors, where not only did the brutally rape her but had also invited five fellow rapists who welcomed for the gang-rape of the poor victim! This is untold abuse of the sanctity of human life and dignity by a Christian (Anglican) university.
The severest atrocities against the students are perpetrated by four teachers namely Allen Mtetemela, Chrispin Ryakitimbo, Herman Dobogo and Joshua Uguda.
The unlawful dismissals of students at random by the administration of St John’s University of Tanzania is not limited to its St Marks Teaching centre, which is to suffer drastic legal action in default of compliance with the requirements in the 7 days demand Note, but is even more rampant at the Main Campus( Dodoma)! This is mortifying a major ingredient of the integrity of a university.
a)The St Marks Centre Campus
46 innocent students were unlawfully dismissed in January 2013 at St Mark’s centre of the saint John’s University of Tanzania, in total defiance of procedure. The St John’s University of Tanzania has only one Disciplinary Authority which is at main campus at Dodoma, which handles all disciplinary matters of all campuses. The victims at the St Marks centre were dismissed by absolutely incompetent authority, according to the SJUT student Handbook part V section 17 thereof.
Further the dismissal was null and void in that the letter of dismissal says the student were dismissed on 18/01/2013 whereas the charges for that punishment were leveled against the victims 24/01/2013. So the students were given a hearing after having been punished! This is very serious conflict with legality, let alone academic and intellectual civility.
b) Within a pace of 2 months the St John’s University of Tanzania has expelled 60 students without giving them a fair hearing, in violation of the basic principle of natural law, the SJUT student Handbook and SJUT General Examinations Regulations!
A head of faculty has no authority to dismiss a student, his powers being limited to recommendations to the faculty Board which discusses the matter and recommends the punitive measures to the senate for final decision. This is in accordance with the SJUT General University Examinations Regulations Section 7.7 thereof
Three other innocent students have been dismissed without even being given a letter to that effect, something that cannot be heard of from such an outstanding institution as university. The three students are:
1.Anna Mligo
2. Lameck Medard
3. Florida kyara
The corrupt of SJUT administrators have been collecting 10,000/- from each student of the Town centre campus in Dodoma, for three consecutive years from about 6000 victims of the deception. At the students’ demand for ID cards they have paid for, the culprits cheat that there is a problem with the computer. The Students Government’s demand that the swindling of the students’ money be stopped and the estimated shilling 60,000,000/- be refunded to the swindled students only geared up the corrupt administrators’ hostility against the students’
Another scum of the St John’s University of Tanzania is the enrolment of and collection of millions of money as fees for Diploma and Certificate courses at the Town centre campus, but upon demand for the diplomas and certificates the Victims are cheated by the same story of some “defect” in a computer! Those who insist are simply put away by the suggestion that they better enroll for Degree courses!
But this is a very serious criminal offence of obtaining the victims’ money by false pretences, or profane conman ship behind the Bible, which may consign the whole leadership of Saint John’s University of Tanzania to Isanga prison.

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